
Personal Website
of Ben Mitchell

Scribebot Project

A Discord Transcriber Bot

Scribe bot is a project in the infant stages. The first stage of this project produces a bot which will transcribe the conversation from a discord voice channel to a text channel. It utalizes google voice to text webservices to transcribe the conversation. The inital use of the bot was to transcribe D&D games. However there is great potential as an accesability bot as well. Either for deaf players to be able to read voice communications or for blind playres to have the text chat read to them.

Scribebot Repo
  • Reverse Direction: text back to speach
  • Improved seqeuncing
  • Context based event triggering.

Overwatch Slackbot

Slackbot based overwatch randomizer

Play enough Overwatch and you need something to change things. This slack bot will randomly assign roles to a team from 2 to 6 players. The slack bot uses DJ Khaled as its icon and also includes one of his inspirational quotes along with role assignments. The new queing for role system implemented by blizzard makes this obsolete but the chat bot example is stil valuable.

Overwatch Slack Bot Repo

Mission Control

A Multi Media Instalation

Marple Presbyterian Church's VBS 2019 theme was "To Mars and Beyond". So I created the mission control game. It's done in an 8 bit retro look which really seemed to land even with the kids too young to know what that is. If you can solve the security puzzle and complete the launch sequence it trips a relay via webservice which sets off a smoke machine.

Mission Control Repo
Executable Jar

The N Queens Problem

A Study in Computer Science

The N Queen is the problem of placing N chess queens on an [NxN] chessboard so that no two queens attack each other. The goal is not to find 1 solution but to know when you have found all possible solitions for a given value of N. This is one of those math problems that takes over my mind from time to time. When I have an idea worth coding for testing you can find it here.

N Queens Repo
Wikipedia N Queens article

Halftone SVG Generator

An art Experiment

A while back I did a study in turning portraits into halftone version images. I would then cut those on a laser cutter and even attempted a few etchings in tile and other materials. I wrote this program to translate images to SVG cut files in halftone.

Halftone SVG Generator Repo

Stencil Tab Tool

A tool to prep senticils for the laser cutter

It's really easy to make SVG stencils in Adobe Ilustrator. However one concept that is difficult to do in Adobe is to add tabs to hold islands in position. This tool breaks up overly long lines and anchors islands. Still a work in progress.

SVG Stencil Maker Repo